I am not there...anymore
Rehan · Thu Aug 25 2022

Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting.” ― Judith Minty

Some experiences make you sore, I am not there anymore, you re-live the same life, same dreams but the same things become more of a chore.

It's no wonder that time passes, you will get whatever you ask for, but it's a wonder you stood there, hoping one day you'll reach the shore.

You can forgot a lot of things, bad times, bad people, the first person you fall for! You should however never forgive, the person brought the time abhor.

Still fighting to reach there, some days are tough some rewards gore, wounds heal in some time, you pick up your mantle again for the war

However let me make something clear, whenever you come looking for, I am not there anymore.